A közlekedésépítési szakterület mérnöki és tudományos folyóirata. ISSN: 2064-0919
20. szám
12. évfolyam

Nemzetközi szemle: Június

Közlekedési szakszótár
Transportation Dictionary
Szerző(k): US Department of Transportation,
Terjedelem: web document

The U.S. Department of Transportation’s Office of the Assistant Secretary for Research and Technology has released in March 2016 an online dictionary that presents over 9,000 terms and acronyms related to transportation. The terms and acronyms were obtained from various transportation publications and databases which exist within the federal government, private organizations, Canada and Mexico.



Korszerűsített vagyongazdálkodási vizsgálati módszerek és előírások
Updated asset management test methods and specifications
Szerző(k): Austroads,  Australia
Terjedelem: 15 kötet

Specification for Pavement Roughness Measurement with an Inertial Profilometer
Specification for Pavement Rutting Measurement with a Laser Profilometer
Specification for Pavement Surface Texture Measurement with a Laser Profilometer
Pavement Roughness Measurement with an Inertial Profilometer
Validation of an Inertial Profilometer for Measuring Pavement Roughness (Reference Device Method)
Validation of an Inertial Profilometer for Measuring Pavement Roughness (Loop Method)
Pavement Roughness Repeatability and Bias Checks for an Inertial Profilometer
Pavement Rutting Measurement with a Laser Profilometer
Validation of a Laser Profilometer for Measuring Pavement Rutting (Reference Device Method)
Validation of a Laser Profilometer for Measuring Pavement Rutting (Loop Method)
Pavement Rutting Repeatability and Bias Error Checks for a Laser Profilometer
Pavement Surface Texture Measurement with a Laser Profilometer
Validation of a Laser Profilometer for Measuring Pavement Surface Texture (Reference Device Method)
Validation of a Laser Profilometer for Measuring Pavement Surface Texture (Loop Method)
Pavement Surface Texture Repeatability and Bias Error Checks for a Laser Profilometer



A bizonytalanság kezelése a burkolatgazdálkodási rendszermodellezésben 1. rész
Incorporating Uncertainty in Pavement Management System (PMS) Modelling: Phase 1
Szerző(k): Kadar, P., Sen, R.,
Austroads, Australia Terjedelem: 33 oldal
a letöltéshez ingyenes regisztráció szükséges

This proof of concept study used the data condensation technology of stochastic information packets (SIPs) in MS Excel to allow complete storage of all collected data. This approach, when connected to a pavement management system (PMS), was able to use the measured uncertainties of the variables employed in predicting pavement performance to accurately quantify the risks, in percentile probabilities, of achieving the target level of service (LoS) and of meeting annual targeted maintenance costs. The SIPs used in this study open opportunities in data collection, storage and analysis. Because large quantities of data can be stored in a relative small space, the full data set can easily be stored, transported and used. Cost estimates, project management, quality control, quality assurance and in general all engineering calculations where currently averages are used as input, can be replaced with the techniques described in this study.



Döntéstámogató rendszerek a közlekedési rendszerek irányításában és üzemeltetésében
Decision Support Systems for Transportation System Management and Operations
Szerző(k): Hadi, M., Xiao, Y., Wang, T., Iqbal, S., Massahi, A., Jia, J., Chen, X., Fartash , H.,
Florida International University, USA
Terjedelem: 249 oldal

There is a need for the development of tools and methods to support off-line and real-time planning and operation decisions associated with the Transportation System Management and Operations (TSM&O) program. The goal of this proposed project is to research and produce a data analytic environment that supports the objectives and activities of the TSM&O program. Two previously developed tools, the ITS Data Capture and Performance Management (ITSDCAP) and the Integrated Regional Information Sharing and Decision Support System (IRISDS), have been integrated into a single Web-based environment in the project. In addition, new methods and modules have been developed to provide the functionality required by this environment. Some of the addressed functions in this research include the extension of system performance estimation and prediction, the production of performance dashboard, the development of benefit/cost estimation module for arterial incident management evaluation, the assessment of construction zone impacts, methods for identification of arterial performance problems, and review of the related previous Florida Department of Transportation research projects for possible implementation in the environment.


A gépkocsi megosztás gazdasági hatásai Ausztráliában
Economic effects of ridesharing in Australia
Szerző(k): Deloitte Access Economic,  Australia
Terjedelem: 68 oldal

Uber engaged Deloitte Access Economics to study the economic benefits of ridesharing in Australia. The report aims to quantify the economic effects of ridesharing for consumers, producers and the wider community. It is intended for the report to be broad in scope, but the sheer newness of the services means that in some areas like price impacts, safety issues and growth of service, the analysis is indicative, or qualitative, where data is not available. Further, while this report discusses some regulatory issues in passing, it does not examine or propose recommendations for the regulatory framework for ridesharing in areas like tax, industrial relations, or transport specific laws.



Közlekedés a fenntarthatóságért. Nemzetközi konferencia 2015.
Transportation for Sustainability. An International Conference 2015.
Szerző(k): Transportation Research Board,  USA
Terjedelem: 114 oldal

Transportation for Sustainability: An International Conference explored ways in which transportation systems can promote sustainability. Sustainable transportation is an international issue because transportation contributes to climate change and collective action is needed to truly advance sustainable transportation. Institutions and governments must support sustainability to meet sustainability goals and improve the future for everyone. The conference was held May 6–8, 2015, in Washington, D.C., and brought together participants from several different countries, participating both in person and online. The conference included a keynote address highlighting the failures of the past and present transportation system, as well as a call to address climate change in the future and a plenary session that emphasized that global initiatives take effect when they are implemented in national frameworks and adapted locally. Speakers shared perspectives from the World Resources Institute, the World Bank, and the U.S. Department of Transportation. Breakout sessions also addressed solutions for sustainability problems, the programs of national transportation agencies, travel and trade, and transportation and climate change. The breakout sessions continued into the second day and covered topics such as sustainability tools, evaluation methodologies, and emerging technologies. Attendees were divided into working groups to discuss key findings and potential research needs that emerged during the conference. The focus areas of the working groups were developing countries, transportation practitioners, factors affecting the demand for transportation and the impact on sustainability, and government policies versus private initiatives. The closing plenary session summarized and highlighted the salient points that were discussed in the working groups.



Folyamatos üzemű súrlódásmérő berendezés a baleseti ráta előrebecslésének javítására
Continuous Friction Measurement Equipment as a Tool for Improving Crash Rate Prediction
Szerző(k): Izeppi, E.L., Katicha, S.W., Flintsch, G.W., McCarthy, R., McGhee, K.K.,
Virginia Tech Transportation Institute, USA

Terjedelem: 42 oldal

A comprehensive pavement management system includes a Pavement Friction Management Program (PFMP) to ensure pavement surfaces are designed, constructed, and maintained to minimize friction-related crashes in a cost effective manner. The Federal Highway Administration’s (FHWA) Technical Advisory 5040.38 on Pavement Friction Management supersedes a previous advisory that focused on skid crash reduction. In addition to traditional locked-wheel friction-testing devices, this new advisory recommends continuous friction measuring equipment (CFME) as an appropriate method for evaluating pavements. The study described in this report developed a pavement friction inventory for a single construction district in Virginia using the Grip Tester, a low-cost CFME. The continuous friction data were then coupled with crash records to develop a strategy for network analysis that could use friction to improve the ability to predict crash rates. The crash rate analysis applied the well-established methodology suggested by the FHWA for the identification of high crash risk areas using safety performance functions (SPFs), which include empirical Bayes rate estimation from observed crashes. The current Virginia Department of Transportation SPF models were modified to include skid resistance and radius of curvature (interstate and primary system only) to improve the predictive power of the models. A variation of the same methodology was also used to contrast the effect of two different friction repair treatments, i.e., conventional asphalt overlay and high friction surface treatments, to explore how their strategic use can impact network level crash rates. The result suggests significant crash reductions with comprehensive economic savings of $100 million or more when applied to a single relatively rural district. These findings easily justify an aggressive state-level PFMP and further support continued research to quantify the influence of other pavement-related characteristics such as macrotexture, grade, and cross-slope.



Hideg helyszíni újrahasznosítás jellemzőinek értékelése és tervezési útmutató egyféle vagy többféle kötőanyaggal készülő keverékekhez
Cold In-Place Recycling Characterization Framework and Design Guidance for Single or Multiple Component Binder Systems
Szerző(k): Cox, B.C., Howard, I.L.,  Mississippi State University, USA

Terjedelem: 204 oldal

This report focused on cold in-place recycling (CIR) and presented laboratory and field data collected during this multiyear study. The primary objective of this report was to characterize CIR properties that are important to design, construction, and performance in high-traffic applications. This report considers single component binder (SCB) or multiple component binder (MCB) systems used to stabilize reclaimed asphalt pavement (RAP) to produce CIR. Stated simply, a framework capable of encompassing any cementitious or bituminous binder within one protocol in an unbiased way did not exist prior to completion of the activities presented in this report to the author’s knowledge. The primary conclusion from this report is that a framework capable of systematically addressing single or multiple component binder systems in an unbiased manner for CIR is feasible technically and from the standpoint of implementation. The framework prepares specimens at a 6% moisture content, compacts specimens 30 to 40 gyrations in a Superpave Gyratory Compactor, uses a maximum mixture specific gravity (Gmm) protocol developed in this research, uses AASHTO T269 or T331 to determine bulk mixture specific gravity (Gmb), cures specimens in a humid oven at 40 °C and 35-50% relative humidity, and tests specimens via APA wheel tracking and instrumented indirect tension. Overall, a blend of 1.5% cement and 3% emulsion by mass, while not the most economical blend tested, appeared to offer the best balance of rutting and cracking.



Klímaváltozási adaptációs útmutató a közlekedési rendszerek irányításához, üzemeltetéséhez és fenntartásához
Climate Change Adaptation Guide for Transportation Systems Management, Operations, and Maintenance
Szerző(k): Asam, S., Bhat, C., Dix, B., Bauer, J., Gopalakrishna, D.,
Leidos, ICF International, Inc., Federal Highway Administration, USA

Terjedelem: 88 oldal

This guide provides information and resources to help transportation management, operations, and maintenance staff incorporate climate change into their planning and ongoing activities. It is intended for practitioners involved in the day-to-day management, operations, and maintenance of surface transportation systems at State and local agencies. The guide assists State departments of transportation (DOTs) and other transportation agencies in understanding the risks that climate change poses and actions that can help reduce those risks. Incorporating climate change considerations into how agencies plan and execute their transportation system management and operations (TSMO) and maintenance programs helps the agency become more resilient to unanticipated shocks to the system. Adjustments to TSMO and maintenance programs—ranging from minor to major changes—can help to minimize the current and future risks to effective TSMO and maintenance.


Közösségi közlekedést támogató közúti stratégiák útmutatója
A Guidebook on Transit-Supportive Roadway Strategies
Szerző(k): Ryus, P., Laustsen., K., Blume, K., Langdon, S.,  Kittelson & Associates, Inc., Savant Group, Inc., USA
Terjedelem: 251 oldal

A Guidebook on Transit-Supportive Roadway Strategies is a resource for transit and roadway agency staff seeking to improve bus speed and reliability on surface streets while addressing the needs of other roadway users, including motorists, bicyclists, and pedestrians, as well as nearby land uses. It discusses why improving bus speed and reliability is important for transit, roadway, and planning agencies, as well as the community at large; provides guidance on planning and implementing a successful project, with particular attention to the coordination and communication needs of project stakeholders; defines and describes 34 strategies for improving bus speed and reliability, including a range of transit operations, traffic control, infrastructure, and bus lane strategies; provides guidance on selecting an appropriate strategy to address a particular cause of a bus speed or reliability problem; and gives case study examples of how transit and roadway agencies have successfully worked together to implement these strategies.


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