A közlekedésépítési szakterület mérnöki és tudományos folyóirata. ISSN: 2064-0919
20. szám
12. évfolyam

Nemzetközi szemle: Március

Gyakorlati útmutató a dinamikus forgalmi ráterhelési modellek alkalmazásához a regionális tervezésben

A Practical Guide on DTA Model Applications for Regional Planning
K.C. Patnam, D.B. Roden, W. Yin, L.Y. Feng, S. Mallick, S.B. Smith
Terjedelem: 66 oldal

This document is intended as a guide for use by Metropolitan Planning Organizations (MPO) and other planning agencies that are interested in applying Dynamic Traffic Assignment (DTA) models for planning applications. The objective of this document is to provide guidance on key practical aspects of working with DTA models, namely, information about model development, application, calibration and validation. This document relates to some experiences at the Southeast Michigan Council of Governments (SEMCOG).


Módszerek a járművek futásteljesítményének becslésére és előrebecslésére

Methodologies Used to Estimate and Forecast Vehicle Miles Traveled (VMT)
T.A. Williams, B. Chigoy, J. Borowiec, B. Glover
Texas A&M Transportation Institute USA
Terjedelem: 40 oldal

Vehicle miles traveled (VMT) is a measure used in transportation planning for a variety of purposes. It measures the amount of travel for all vehicles in a geographic region over a given period of time, typically a one-year period. VMT is calculated by adding up all the miles driven by all the cars and trucks on all the roadways in a region. This document presents the results of research conducted to evaluate several key components of the VMT metric. This research had the following objectives: Identify recent trends, current forecasts, and growth factors of VMT in the United States and Texas, summarize the existing methods of VMT estimation and forecasting through a literature review, evaluate the current state of VMT estimation and forecasting specifically to Texas, create a VMT Calculator scenario analysis tool.


Visszanyert aszfalt burkolat és újrahasznosított aszfalt szemcsék felhasználása aszfalt keverékekben

Use of Reclaimed Asphalt Pavement and Recycled Asphalt Shingles in Asphalt Mixtures
M. Stroup-Gardiner
Gardiner Technical Service USA
Terjedelem: 133 oldal

This synthesis summarizes current practices for the use of reclaimed asphalt pavement (RAP) and recycled asphalt shingles (RAS) in the design, production, and construction of asphalt mixtures. It focuses on collecting information about the use, rather than just what is allowed, of high RAP, RAS, and/or a combination of RAP and RAS. A literature review, a survey of state agencies, and case examples were used to document current knowledge and practices.


Forgalmi hatásokat becslő eszköz fejlesztése kis csomóponti projektekhez

Development of the Traffic Impact Estimation Tool for Small Intersection Projects
C. Naude, B. Lloyd, P. Bennett
Austroads Australia
Terjedelem: 61 oldal

This report describes the development of an economic evaluation tool for small intersection projects (including signed intersections, roundabouts and signalised intersections) that can be used by practitioners working with basic traffic data to estimate road user cost impacts, primarily delay and fuel costs, as well as crash costs. The Small Intersection Evaluation (SIE) Tool does not aim to replicate sophisticated intersection analysis software or the packages developed by various jurisdictions to undertake detailed analysis of large intersection projects. Rather, the objective is to facilitate the economic evaluation of a number of small intersection projects which could provide an indication of the most promising projects which can then be subject to further detailed analysis thereafter. The SIE Tool and a user guide are provided separately and can be downloaded from


A megosztott mobilitás és a közösségi közlekedés átalakulása

Shared Mobility and the Transformation of Public Transit
S. Feigon, C. Murphy
Shared-Use Mobility Center USA
Terjedelem: 110 oldal

TCRP Research Report 188: Shared Mobility and the Transformation of Public Transit examines the relationship of public transportation (including paratransit and demand responsive services) to shared modes, including bikesharing, carsharing, microtransit, and ride sourcing services provided by companies such as Uber and Lyft. This report was designed to assist transit agencies to examine issues and explore opportunities and challenges as they relate to technology-enabled mobility services, including suggesting ways that transit can learn from, build upon, and interface with these new modes.


Keskeny sávok és keskeny padka alkalmazása gyorsforgalmi utakon

Use of Narrow Lanes and Narrow Shoulders on Freeways
L. Neudorff, P. Jenior, R. Dowling, B. Nevers
Kittelson & Associates Inc USA
Terjedelem: 60 oldal

Congested freeways are often located in urban areas with constrained environments and/or rights-of-way where significant widening of the roadway is not practical due to adjacent developments and land use, physical constraints, along with limited availability of funding. Among the strategies for increasing freeway capacity in such constrained environments – and thereby reducing congestion and improving operations – is to add a travel lane within the existing roadway footprint by reducing the widths of the existing lanes and/or shoulders. The additional lane may be utilized by all traffic at all times, as a special use or managed lane that is open only to specific types of vehicles or movements (e.g., High Occupancy Toll (HOT) lane, exit only lane), or only during selected times of the day and/or when congestion warrants opening the lane (e.g., temporary shoulder use). Narrow lanes and shoulders may be applied to add capacity on the freeway mainline and in interchange areas including ramps. This primer provides information to policy makers, transportation agency managers, designers and operators on the use of narrow lanes and narrow shoulders to improve capacity within an existing roadway footprint. Much of the information contained in the primer is presented in the broader context of both Performance Based Planning and Programming (PBPP) and Performance – Based Practical Design (PBPD). Primer contents include case studies on the use of narrow lanes, issues and approaches for analyzing the operational and safety impacts of narrow lanes and narrow shoulders, and the role of transportation systems management and operations (TSMO) in support of narrow lanes operations.


Útburkolat teljesítmény jellemzők és előrebecslésük, a fenntartási és rehabilitációs stratégia hatása a beavatkozások hatékonyságára

Pavement Performance Measures and Forecasting and the Effects of Maintenance and Rehabilitation Strategy on Treatment Effectiveness
FHWA Publication
Federal Highway Administration USA
Terjedelem: 16 oldal

This TechBrief presents the methodologies and procedures used by the research team in the analyses of the Long-Term Pavement Performance (LTPP) data to develop and implement pavement performance measures and to analyze treatment effectiveness. The LTPP study focused on using data from the various LTPP experiments to define pavement performance in a way that supports the selection of cost-effective pavement treatment strategy and to better estimate pavement treatment effectiveness and the role of pavement treatments in the pavement’s lifecycle. This TechBrief includes a description and examples of the dual pavement condition rating systems, LTPP data analyses results, and application of the analyses to datasets from three State transportation departments.


Forgalomszámlálás meglévő videós megfigyelő kamerákkal

Traffic Counting Using Existing Video Detection Cameras
S. Ishak, J. Codjoe, S. Mousa, S. Jenkins, J. Bonnette
Louisiana State University USA
Terjedelem: 129 oldal

The purpose of this study is to evaluate the video detection technologies currently adopted by the city of Baton Rouge and DOTD. The main objective is to review the performance of Econolite Autoscope cameras in terms of their ability to detect data, ease of use, accessibility to data, security issues and cost. The final goal of this project is to investigate the effectiveness of this video detection technology in traffic data collection at signalized intersections in Baton Rouge and to judge the reliability of integrating the traffic count data from the Autoscopes into a database that could be used to supplement traffic count information at any time. In order to accomplish these tasks, a sample of intersections was selected for analysis from an inventory detailing each site’s traffic volume, lighting conditions, turning movements, camera mounting type, technology used, and geometric characteristics. Volume counts from the video detection technology (camera counts) were statistically compared against ground truth data (manual counts) by means of Multiple Logistic Regression and t-tests. Using this data, the capabilities of the existing video detection system was assessed to determine the quality of the data collected under various settings.


Közösségi buszközlekedés működési hatékonysága a “parkolj és utazz” létesítményeknél felszállók által

Bus Transit Operational Efficiency Resulting from Passenger Boardings at Park-and-Ride Facilities
J.S. Niles, J.M. Pogodzinski
Mineta Transportation Institute USA
Terjedelem: 99 oldal

In order to save time and money by not driving to an ultimate destination, some urban commuters drive themselves a few miles to specially designated parking lots built for transit customers and located where trains or buses stop. The focus of this paper is the effect Park-and-Ride (P&R) lots have on the efficiency of bus transit as measured in five bus transit systems in the western U.S. This study describes a series of probes with models and data to find objective P&R influence measures that, when combined with other readily-available data, permit a quantitative assessment of the significance of P&R on transit efficiency. The authors developed and describe techniques that examine P&R as an influence on transit boardings at bus stops and on bus boardings along an entire route. The regression results reported are based on the two in-depth case studies for which sufficient data were obtained to examine (using econometric techniques) the effects of park-and-ride availability on bus transit productivity. Both Ordinary Least Square (OLS) regression and Poisson regression are employed. The results from the case studies suggest that availability of parking near bus stops is a stronger influence on transit ridership than residential housing near bus stops. Results also suggest that expanding parking facilities near suburban park-and-ride lots increases the productivity of bus operations as measured by ridership per service hour. The authors also illustrate that reasonable daily parking charges (compared to the cost of driving to much more expensive parking downtown) would provide sufficient capital to build and operate new P&R capacity without subsidy from other revenue sources.



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