A közlekedésépítési szakterület mérnöki és tudományos folyóirata. ISSN: 2064-0919
20. szám
12. évfolyam

Nemzetközi szemle: Augusztus

Közúti finomságú visszanyert műanyag felhasználása fenntartható aszfalt burkolatokhoz: a visszanyert műanyag ipar és a visszanyert műanyag fajták áttekintése

Use of Road-grade Recycled Plastics for Sustainable Asphalt Pavements: Overview of the Recycled Plastic Industry and Recycled Plastic Types

Szerző(k): F. Giustozzi, Y.J. Boom

Austroads Australia

Link: https://austroads.com.au/publications/pavement/ap-r648-21

(letölthető ingyenes regisztrációval)

Terjedelem: 48 oldal


This report provides a comprehensive overview of the type, volume, and price of recycled plastics and their possible uses in asphalt. The report presents data, including recycling processes, prices of recycled plastics, annual production volumes and infrastructure capabilities. The content was informed by interviews with members of the plastics industry including associations, councils, material recovery facilities, plastic recyclers, and manufacturers. The interviews evaluated the current recycling situation in Australia and New Zealand, and identified bottlenecks, opportunities, and capabilities. This is the first report from a project (APT6305) which is examining the use of road-grade recycled plastics in asphalt pavements. The project is investigating the most suitable types of recycled plastics for incorporation into asphalt. In addition, new tests and methodologies will be developed to ascertain if the addition of recycled plastics in asphalt may produce any detrimental effects for the environment, the health and safety of the workers or impact the future recyclability of plastic-modified asphalt.


Gyalogos és kerékpáros biztonsági útmutató alternatív és más csomópontokban

Guide for Pedestrian and Bicyclist Safety at Alternative and Other Intersections and Interchanges

Szerző(k): Kittelson & Associates, Inc. USA

Link: https://www.nap.edu/download/26072

Terjedelem: 221 oldal


NCHRP Research Report 948: Guide for Pedestrian and Bicyclist Safety at Alternative and Other Intersections and Interchanges provides specific guidance for four common Alternative Intersections and Interchanges (A.I.I.s): Diverging Diamond Interchange (DDI), Restricted Crossing U-Turn (RCUT), Median U-Turn (MUT), and Displaced Left-Turn (DLT). In addition, the guide provides a principles-based approach that is applicable to any A.I.I. or conventional intersection form, including new A.I.I. forms not yet developed. Under NCHRP Project 07-25, Guide for Pedestrian and Bicycle Safety at Alternative Intersections and Interchanges (A.I.I.), Kittelson & Associates was tasked with developing a guide to help transportation practitioners improve and integrate pedestrian and bicycle safety considerations at A.I.I.s through planning, design, and operational treatments. The guide identifies and evaluates current practices, and emerging technologies and trends, in the United States and internationally; describes current best practices for measuring the effectiveness of such A.I.I. treatments; evaluates the safety and operational outcomes of specific A.I.I. treatments; and identifies and ranks treatments for typical types of projects.


A vasúttal szembeni követelmények azonosítása a jövőbeni önvezető és összekapcsolt járművek környezetében

Identification of Railroad Requirements for the Future Automated and Connected Vehicle (AV/CV) Environment

Szerző(k): C.A. Morgan, J.E. Warner, D. Lee, D. Florence

Safe-D National UTC, Texas A&M Transportation Institute USA

Link: https://safed.vtti.vt.edu/wp-content/uploads/2020/08/02-019_Safe-D-Research-Report_Final.pdf

Terjedelem: 21 oldal


The Federal Rail Administration (FRA) Highway-Rail Grade Crossing Inventory database from 2019 states that there are approximately 127,000 public, at-grade highway-rail grade crossings in the U.S. Despite this large number of direct intersections between the public highway and largely private rail systems, little current intelligent transport systems automated/connected vehicle (AV/CV) research is focused on how to incorporate the railroad system and its operations effectively into future roadway AV/CV system planning. This initial scanning project examined how transportation agencies, engineering firms, researchers, and other highway system stakeholders designing future AV/CV systems could best consider freight and passenger railroad operational and infrastructure needs in the development of future AV/CV system architecture. The project explored the following: Information/data requirements for roadway vehicles to operate effectively near rail crossings. Impediments to collecting and exchanging rail operations data between public roadway agencies, public commuter/transit rail systems, and the largely private freight rail operators. Potential AV/CV implementation approaches near rail system assets that could benefit both systems. Critical, necessary additional research efforts in both the short- and long-term to address future joint railroad/highway AV/CV architecture challenges.


Drónok integrálása a közlekedési rendszerbe

Integrating Drones into the Transport System

Szerző(k): The International Transport Forum OECD

Link: https://www.itf-oecd.org/sites/default/files/docs/take-off-integrating-drones-transport-system.pdf

Terjedelem: 98 oldal


This report presents policy options for integrating drones into the wider transport system while reaping their opportunities and limiting any potential risks. It focuses on standard public concerns related to the introduction of new transport services, such as their acceptability, efficiency and sustainability. It therefore goes far beyond the frequently debated safety and security issues of drones. The report considers the use of drones for different scales of payloads and autonomies, mainly used in freight and passenger transport. It also looks at drone use cases in the transport sector that go beyond the transport of passengers or goods, such as their use in the maintenance of transport infrastructure.


Aktív forgalmi menedzsment információ a járművezetőknek – alapelvek és útmutató

Principles and Guidance for Presenting Active Traffic Management Information to Drivers

Szerző(k): J. Lee, C.M. Richard, J.L. Campbell, J.L. Brown, L. Hoekstra-Atwood, K. Magee, D.M. Prendez, J.L. Schroeder,

Battelle, Athey Creek Consultants USA

Link: https://www.nap.edu/download/25994

Terjedelem: 190 oldal


Active Traffic Management (ATM) strategies have become more common in the United States as State departments of transportation (DOTs) grapple with increasing congestion and fewer dollars available to add capacity to keep pace. ATM strategies provide a more cost-effective solution to better manage traffic using the available capacity of the existing roadway network. The expansion of ATM strategies and implementations has led to a concurrent increase in the options available to deliver ATM information to drivers. Information displays designed to capture drivers’ attention quickly include devices that vary in terms of whether they are: fixed and moveable, graphics-based and text-based, overhead and roadside, as well as handheld and vehicle-based. Because of the innovative nature of ATM strategies, there is limited guidance available and many research questions remain about how ATM information can be effectively and safely presented to drivers across the many existing and potential dissemination methods. The objective of this project is to develop principles and guidance for presenting drivers with dynamic information that can be frequently updated based on real-time conditions. These principles and guidance should improve the effectiveness of ATM strategies, which include systems to manage congestion, incidents, weather, special events, and work zones.


Úttervezési útmutató 7. rész: Új és feltörekvő kezelések

Guide to Road Design Part 7: New and Emerging Treatments

Szerző(k): M. Mak, B. McHeim, A. Barnes

Austroads Australia

Link: https://austroads.com.au/publications/road-design/agrd07

(letölthető ingyenes regisztrációval)

Terjedelem: 43 oldal


The Guide to Road Design Part 7: New and Emerging Treatments contains design-related knowledge, findings from research and practical experiences about new and emerging treatments like raised intersection platforms, turbo roundabouts, mini-roundabouts, double roundabouts, roundabout raised platforms, displaced right turn, 2-1 roads, road diet, gateway treatment, excessive sight distance. Treatments are broken down into the following sub-sections: intersections, midblock, motorway, pedestrian/cyclist and other. The process for piloting and trialling new and emerging treatments is also outlined.


A Közúti Kapacitási Kézikönyv fonódási szakasz elemzésében található hiányosságok értékelése és megoldási javaslata

Assessing and Addressing Deficiencies in the HCM Weaving Segment Analyses

Szerző(k): Nagui Rouphail, Behzad Aghdashi, Lily Elefteriadou, Ehsan Amini, Dezhong Xu

North Carolina State University, University of Florida USA

Link: http://www.trb.org/main/blurbs/182047.aspx

Terjedelem: 53 oldal


The Highway Capacity Manual 6th Edition (HCM6) provides methods for the evaluation of freeway segments and freeway facilities including weaving segments. Weaving segments are often critical components of freeway facilities because they can act as bottlenecks. Recent research has questioned the validity of the HCM6 weaving analysis methodology. The main objectives of this research project were to identify, document, and address the major deficiencies in the current HCM6 weaving method through improved modeling of key procedures and their calibration. The research team conducted a literature review to identify and document deficiencies in the procedure. Next, the team collected field data and obtained previously collected data at weaves and developed a new framework for evaluating operations at freeway weaves. This new framework uses the basic segment freeway model and a speed impedance factor that represents the weaving turbulence, which proved to be simpler and more accurate than the models in the HCM6. A model was developed for Type A or ramp weaves, which predicts the average speed of the weaving segment directly without using intermediate models to predict the number of lane changes. It was concluded that the HCM6 model tended to underestimate the speed within the weaving section compared to field data. A sensitivity analysis showed that the new model can predict the speed and capacity for ramp weaves reasonably well.


A következő generációs vagyon adatgyűjtés: Útburkolat teljesítmény

Next Generation Asset Data Collection: Road Pavement Performance

Szerző(k): S. Chamberlain, E. Hingston, C. Kemp, T. Chiang

Austroads Australia

Link: https://austroads.com.au/publications/asset-management/ap-r651-21

(letölthető ingyenes regisztrációval)

Terjedelem: 88 oldal


This report identifies and evaluates technology solutions that meet asset management needs relating to road pavement performance. The increasing pace of change of technology brings considerable promise of more data, of a higher quality, captured for a lower cost. The report summarises current and emerging data collection technologies, and proposes and tests a technology evaluation framework. The evaluation of emerging technologies found existing equipment, such as mobile phones, was often repurposed to develop new methods of data collection. While this occasionally results in lower accuracy, this is consistently offset by high affordability and other strengths such as higher frequencies of data collection, data redundancy and secondary benefits. Accordingly, even emerging data collection technologies with relatively low accuracies have a role to play in addressing the data needs of road controlling authorities, and may be used to augment, rather than replace, existing data collection programs.


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