Nemzetközi szemle: Március
Fenntartható aszfaltburkolatok: Gyakorlati útmutató. Hogyan fejlesszünk fenntarthatósági programot
Sustainable Asphalt Pavements: A Practical Guide. How to Develop a Sustainability Program
Szerző(k): Adam J.T. Hand, Stephen T. Muench
University of Nevada, University of Washington, National Asphalt Pavement Association, USA
Terjedelem: 54 oldal
This is the fourth of four publications in the NAPA Sustainable Asphalt Pavements: A Practical Guide series meant to provide a practical guide to sustainability. That means a focus on what a NAPA member business or asphalt project can do now to address sustainability within the confines of good business practice. The four publications in this series are meant to work together and are organized as follows: SIP 101: Sustainability Overview. A practical definition of sustainability and the elements of and reasons for a business approach to sustainability. SIP 102: Sustainability Specifics. Specific sustainability actions that can be taken in corporate/organizational strategy, project delivery, mix design, materials production, construction activities, and pavement design. SIP 103: Procuring & Evaluating Sustainability. How sustainability is included in public project procurement, and how sustainability efforts are evaluated within the industry. SIP 104: How to Develop a Sustainability Program. Important components of a company sustainability program including goals, best practices, implementation, and reporting.
A fenntartható mobilitáshoz vezető akciók átfogó áttekintése
Global Roadmap of Action Toward Sustainable Mobility
Szerző(k): Sustainable Mobility for All, USA
Terjedelem: 100 oldal
Sustainable Mobility for All (SuM4All) is an umbrella platform that brings together 55 public and private organizations and companies with a shared ambition to transform the future of mobility. Its unique value lies in bringing key influential actors to work together. It serves as the principal platform for international cooperation on sustainable mobility, a center of excellence, and a repository of policy, knowledge and resource on sustainable mobility. Its mission is to play a leading role in the ongoing transformation of the global mobility system, and support countries in their transition towards sustainable mobility. The consensus on what sustainable mobility meant set us on our next task to establish the imperative for action. The Global Mobility Report (GMR) 2017 benchmarked countries’ performances on mobility relative to four policy goals. The findings of that report were alarming: not a single country in the world—developed or developing—has achieved sustainable mobility. With evidence at hand, SuM4All embarked on a major drive in 2018 to develop a comprehensive policy framework to assist decision makers in cities and countries as well as practitioners at development banks to identify gaps, necessary steps, and appropriate instruments to attain the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), and improve the sustainability of their transport sector. We are pleased to share the outcomes of these efforts that embody the collective knowledge of all its members and more than 180 experts, and feedback from more than 50 public decision makers and 25 large private corporations. The report builds on six policy papers and one private sector consultation summary paper, whose content is made accessible and usable in a web-based tool for decision making.
Gyalogosok biztonsága a sebesség szabályozástól függően
Pedestrian Safety Relative to Traffic-Speed Management
Szerző(k): R.L. Sanders, B. Judelman, S. Schooley
Arizona State University, Toole Design Group, LLC, USA
Terjedelem: 127 oldal
NCHRP Synthesis 535: Pedestrian Safety Relative to Traffic-Speed Management identifies proven strategies and effective practices related to improving pedestrian safety speed management and gaps in current knowledge and suggests research that could address those gaps. Information used in this study was gathered through a literature review and interviews with practitioners in state, regional, and local jurisdictions to learn more about their speed-management efforts and results. Eleven case examples illustrating various strategies and countermeasures are presented.
Útmutató hidak terhelési tesztjéhez
Primer on Bridge Load Testing
Szerző(k): Transportation Research Board USA
Terjedelem: 136 oldal
The TRB Testing and Evaluation of Transportation Structures committee consists of members from infrastructure owners, practicing engineers, nondestructive testing providers, and researchers. This committee is concerned with condition assessment and evaluation of the performance of transportation structures. The committee addresses the use of testing, monitoring, and nondestructive evaluation methods to assess the load-carrying capacity of structures, detect and quantify defects, and assess condition. The primary focus of the committee has been the transfer of knowledge to promote practical application of research for evaluation of structures for effective asset management. To encourage rapid adoption of the latest technologies and methods, the committee has been pursuing products that demonstrate the successful application of technologies and methods for the condition assessment and performance evaluation of transportation structures. This ECircular is a product of these efforts. Load testing has been one of the recognized methods to evaluate and load rate bridge structures. While advanced calculation methods are available to determine the ultimate capacity of existing structures, timely and accurate in-service data needed for model input and service life prediction is not always forthcoming. Load testing provides a useful alternative for such cases where current calculation methods, for one reason or another, cannot provide satisfactory answers to performance questions on existing bridges. AASHTO’s Manual for Bridge Evaluation and the 1998 Manual for Bridge Rating Through Load Testing have been generally used as a guidance to load testing. This E-Circular provides significant updates to the existing documents to reflect the current state of the practice on bridge load testing, and will cover the preparation, execution, and analysis of load tests, including diagnostic and proof tests. If effectively used, these methods can extend the useful life of existing bridges in a cost-effective fashion.
Útburkolat technológiai útmutatók 8. rész: Burkolatépítés
Guide to Pavement Technology Part 8: Pavement Construction
Szerző(k): Austroads, Australia
Link: (letölthető ingyenes regisztrációval)
Terjedelem: 243 oldal
Guide to Pavement Technology Part 8: Pavement Construction provides advice on the general requirements for the management of quality assurance, construction planning, earthworks, subsurface drainage, unbound pavements, stabilised pavements, sprayed bituminous surfacings, asphalt pavements and surfacings, and concrete pavements. The advice has been generally developed from the approaches followed by Austroads member authorities. However, as it encompasses the wide range of materials and conditions found in Australia and New Zealand, some parts are broadly based. The target audience for the Austroads Guide to Pavement Technology includes all those involved with the management of roads, including industry, and students seeking to learn more about the fundamental concepts, principles, issues and procedures associated with pavement technology.
Az ITS technológia vagyongazdálkodási adatainak szabványosítása
Standardisation of ITS Technology Asset Management Datasets
Szerző(k): Han, J.Y. Lu, K. Lewis, M. van der Velden
Austroads Australia
Link: (letölthető ingyenes regisztrációval)
Terjedelem: 96 oldal
This report documents the first version of harmonised ITS asset performance and condition data specifications, which was developed via practice review, stakeholder consultation and case studies. The data specifications cover 155 ITS asset data items including 56 inventory, 20 condition and 39 performance items and 40 key performance indicators (KPIs). The specifications also categorise the asset data requirements into core, desired and optional requirements, which allow a level of harmonisation, comparison and benchmarking across jurisdictions. A business case with different implementation options was also developed to support the adoption of the data specifications by jurisdictions. Benefits of implementing the data specifications were identified and reported. It shows that investment in the data specifications has the potential to achieve a quite high impact, and the higher the level of investment the higher the potential levels of returns in terms of net present value.
Újrahasznosított műanyag alkalmazásának életkéepessége aszfaltban és szórt felületi bevonatban
Viability of Using Recycled Plastics in Asphalt and Sprayed Sealing Applications
Szerző(k): Chin, P. Damen
Austroads Australia
Link: (letölthető ingyenes regisztrációval)
Terjedelem: 52 oldal
This report examines the viability of using recycled plastics in asphalt and sprayed seals by Australian and New Zealand road authorities. The report presents the findings of a literature review, including case studies of local and overseas road trials. It finds that waste plastic can act as a partial aggregate replacement in bituminous mixes and a binder extender without having any significant influence on the properties of the asphalt mix. However, not all recycled plastics are suitable for bitumen modification at high temperatures. It also finds that while there may be environmental benefits associated with the use of recycled plastic, there are concerns regarding the potential health and safety hazards that road workers might be exposed to while handling these materials, sustainability impacts, and impacts on the surrounding environment.
A forgalom előrebecslés pontosságát értékelő kutatás
Traffic Forecasting Accuracy Assessment Research
Szerző(k): National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine USA
Terjedelem: 329 oldal
Traffic forecasts are projections of future traffic conditions on existing or proposed roadways. Traffic forecasts are used to inform important decisions about transportation projects, including the selection of which projects to build and certain design elements of those projects. It is in the public interest to ensure that those decisions are based on the most accurate and objective possible forecasts. However, we must also recognize that forecasts will always be influenced by some factors that are unexpected, unpredictable, and difficult to anticipate. Therefore, it is prudent to quantify the expected inaccuracy of traffic forecasts and consider that uncertainty in making decisions. Together, more accurate traffic forecasts and a better understanding of the uncertainty around traffic forecasts can lead to a more efficient allocation of resources and build public confidence in the agencies that produce those forecasts. The document consists of a Guidance Document and a Technical Report.